Bulkr Release Notes
v1.8 (current)
- Signed with new certificate from DigiCert
- Bug Fixes
- Switched to SSL-only access (Important update!)
- Sets are now Albums (as per Flickr's new layout)
- Bug fix: Photos will not be repeated when viewing Groups photos
- Bug fix: Search results difference between Bulkr and Flickr is fixed
- Bug fix: Bug fix: Medium size photos will be downloaded instead of error thumbnails if large size is not found
- Minor UI tweaks
- Various Bug fixes
- Videos can now be downloaded
- Photo thumbnails are larger
- Photo details page shows larger photos (if available)
- Bulkr window automatically maximizes on load
- Replaced FlickrAuth with OAuth (Important update!)
- Various UI tweaks
- Several under the hood improvements
- Bug fixes
- Safe search can be disabled - access to restricted photos
- Downloaded photos have same file name as photo title
- Shows you when you last backed up your photostream
- Button to view folder where photos are downloaded
- PRO users will see a "pro" icon beside Bulkr logo
- Minor bug fixes
- Existing photos are automatically skipped (Flickr stream can now be "synced")
- Geotag info is downloaded to photo EXIF(XMP). This is a PRO feature.
- Geotag info and Upload date is written to .txt file
- Photo names are now unique Flickr photo IDs (enables sorting)
- Bug fix: "Modify, build upon" license showed results incorrectly
- Bug fix: Correctly allows photo download according to it's privacy settings
- Various bug fixes
- Under the hood improvements
- This is a major release. Bulkr PRO has been introduced.
- Auto retry if connection breaks during download
- Larger photo preview (same as Flickr's new layout size)
- "Browse to photostream" button in photo viewer
- Feedback button built inside Bulkr
- Fixed major metadata download bug
- Under the hood improvements
- UI tweaks
- Bug fixes
v0.50 beta
- Title, tags etc can be written to photo EXIF (wohoo!!)
- Browse/ download photos from any Flickr group
- Non-english characters can now be used to search
- Shift key can be used to select a range of photos
- Major improvement to underlying framework
- Added bubble notification system
- More under-the-hood improvements
- UI tweaks
- Bug fixes
v0.30 beta
- Download photo metadata (titles, tags, descriptions etc)
- File names up to 255 char are supported (previously only 50)
- Up to 500 photos can be downloaded in a batch
- Photos of Family/Friends can be downloaded
- Photos can be opened on Flickr right from the thumbnail view
- Thumbnails now load 50% faster!
- Copyright information is now more prominent (colored)
- Under-the-hood improvements
- Bug fixes
- UI tweaks
v0.16 beta
- Sort feature added to group selected photos
- Existing photos are not replaced when downloading sets
- Explore dates are displayed correctly
- Last selected photo size is remembered
- Last selected folder location is remembered
- Privacy settings for each photo is read
- Selection for download is based on photo license
- Added buttons to link to homepage, blog, Twitter, FAQ
- UI tweaks
- Bug fixes
- Under-the-hood improvements
v0.11 beta
- Bug fixes for Windows (critical)
- User buddy icon displayed in "user search" page
- Existing photos are not replaced but given new names
- Thumbnails try to load themselves again if connection fails
v0.9 beta
- Many new features added in this version!
- Photo preview
- Browse Explore photos
- Browse any Flickr user's photos
- Added graphics icons and fade in/out effects
- Download can be resumed if connection breaks (yes!)
- Errors are handeled gracefully
- Large size download available
- Different sizes reference photo added
- Added Bulkr logo
- Current version number is shown in app
- User can choose to view 50, 75, 100 or 200 photos per page
- Set name and photo count in set displayed
- While saving photo name are same as Flickr photo title
- Various UI tweaked and user interface improved
- Various "under the hood" fixes
- Various bugs fixed
v0.1 beta
- Initial upload. Let the fun begin :)